Gift Vouchers Currently Unavailable for Purchase
Gift Vouchers Currently Unavailable for Purchase

Gift Vouchers Currently Unavailable for Purchase

Hannah Mereana
By Hannah Mereana

Sorry, our gift vouchers are currently unavailable for purchase.

Due to a high volume of existing gift vouchers and limited booking availability, we’ve temporarily paused the sale of new gift vouchers.
Whether you’re trying to purchase or redeem, please read this entire notice for full understanding.

If you already have a gift voucher, please book as soon as possible as we cannot accept vouchers past their expiry date.

If you’re trying to redeem a gift voucher and cannot find space online - please get in touch to book. Our schedule is running on a “by appointment only” basis, there may be availability that does not show through our online booking page.

We’re sorry for the inconvenience, and as always we thank you for your understanding.

lovesoul Spa Gift Voucher

Trying to PURCHASE a gift voucher?

Sorry, gift voucher sales are closed until further notice due to the high volume of existing gift vouchers and limited booking availability.

For how long, and when will you open gift voucher sales again?
  • When we have more booking availability AND/OR;
  • After a portion of our existing gift vouchers have been redeemed.

This page will be updated when things change, and we’ll email out another notice.

But I had plans to buy a gift voucher!

I’m sorry! I understand it’s inconvenient when you had this in mind, and we do really appreciate the support and apologise we can’t offer this at the moment! But to give our best service we’ve had to put these on hold to enable us to redeem existing gift vouchers and service existing clients.

We have skin care and other products suitable for gift ideas we are sure your special someone will love!

Browse Our Store Now

lovesoul Treatment Room

Trying to REDEEM a gift voucher?

I’m trying to book online and can’t find a space!

Get in touch asap (before your expiry date) and we’ll do our best to accomodate you.

Please don’t wait - get in touch with us before your gift voucher expires to inform us you are wanting to book in. We cannot accept your gift voucher after the expiry date.

There may be bookings available that are not showing online, as we have changed our open hours to ‘By Appointment Only’ across the entire week due to being short-staffed.

We are currently adjusting our personal schedules to allow for more bookings, but doing this on a week-by-week basis whilst we are short-staffed.

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Email Hannah Now
Spend your gift voucher on skin care & wellness goodies:

Don’t forget your gift voucher can be redeemed on products too!

If redeeming via our online store, create a customer account then get in touch with us so we can activate your gift voucher to use.

Visit Online Store
My gift voucher has already expired. What can I do?

We cannot accept gift vouchers past the expiry date.

If you’re trying to redeem, we’ll need to hear from you before your expiry date.

Read Policies, Terms & Conditions

Gift Vouchers Currently Unavailable for Purchase